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Our NEW Strategy Allows Local Businesses to Get Qualified Leads…
without dealing with freebie seekers, unqualified clients, or time wasters ever again.


If you are a small business owner in or around Lewisburg, PA, this may be the most important letter you will read today.

I will explain why in a minute.

But First… A Disclaimer


Please understand that the results I will share with you are not typical. I am not implying that you will be able to duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

We have developed a system based on our previous experience with social media marketing and small-business consulting, and have established the following as a result:


(Note: I am using these references for example purposes only.)

  • Your results will vary depending on many factors… including but not limited to your background, market, experience, and work ethic.

  • All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you are not willing to accept that, please DO NOT CONTINUE.

With that said… let me jump right in and show you how it's done.

The Status Quo for Local Business Marketing


You might have encountered marketing agencies who promise hundreds of booked appointments & thousands in guaranteed revenue, but often, these claims are just smoke and mirrors.

I mean maybe they do.

Maybe all the stories we’ve heard are wrong. But look, we have done our due diligence.

We have spent months researching all of this.

We have personally consulted with many local businesses, and here’s what we’ve found:

  • LOW-QUALITY MARKETING TACTICS – Free consultations and low-price specials may attract customers, but they often lead to low-quality leads and time-consuming efforts to upsell.

  • AUTOMATIC APPOINTMENT SETTING – Marketing agencies use automated systems to schedule appointments, but the leads generated may not be qualified or genuinely interested.

  • ZERO QUALIFICATION – Many leads aren't qualified before being sent your way, leading to wasted time and effort on uninterested prospects.

So we started thinking about what we could change.

We are not claiming that we have come up with the perfect solution.

All we are saying is that this industry could benefit from some changes, and we made them.

So What Do We Do Differently?


Our new method is dramatically different from the standard practices you might be familiar with. We focus on qualifying leads thoroughly before they reach your doorstep.

The reason why this is 100% different than what you've tried before is because we don't advertise low-price offers or free consultations, leads know your price before signing up, and they go through our interactive qualification process before landing directly in your inbox.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • NO LOW-VALUE OFFERS – Say goodbye to $29 specials and free consultations. We believe in transparency and ensuring that potential customers understand the value of your services from the outset.

  • THOROUGH QUALIFICATION PROCESS – Every lead goes through a rigorous qualification process to ensure that they are genuinely interested and capable of making a purchase decision.

  • DIRECT ACCESS TO QUALIFIED LEADS – You will receive qualified leads directly, saving time and ensuring that only serious prospects are engaged.

And it only takes about 15 minutes to know if we could make this work for you.


Who This Isn’t For…


We are selective with the types of businesses we work with. We only want to work with businesses that:

  • WANT TO GROW – If you are 100% okay with just having a handful of clients, having your routine, and just want to get by, that’s 100% okay with us. Just don’t schedule a time to talk.


  • KNOW THAT THEY HAVE TO INVEST IN MARKETING – Not much is free in this world… this program will cost money.

  • AREN'T SPENDING THEIR MORTGAGE ON MARKETING – If you are spending your last dollar, your mortgage, or your vacay money on this program, we don’t want to be the guys taking it from you.

Now if you understand that and have made it this far, you might be a dream client of ours.


And if you keep reading, we may be a dream marketing agency for you.


It may be worth spending 5 minutes on the phone to see if it makes sense to take the next steps.


How Does This Work & How Much Do We Charge?


This is how we run shop.

First off, we charge $499 per month with a 3-month agreement. If you want a shorter timeframe, we charge you more.

  • YOUR PAGE – We request access to your Facebook page. We do this so leads are routed directly to your staff. It’s a super-fast option. If you don’t have a page, we can create one for you.

  • YOUR ADS – We only advertise your paid services. We avoid advertising low-price offers or free consultations. This allows us to focus solely on getting you truly interested prospects who are ready to buy.

  • QUALIFICATIONS & NOTIFICATIONS – The leads sign up and get taken through an automatic questionnaire. When they get to the end, you and your team will receive a notification with their information and answers.

Out of 10 leads, about 2-3 are good enough to be transferred to you. From there, at least 1 ends up becoming a sale.


Want to review the program, how it works, how much it costs, and how you can get started?

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